Specialist in Remote Power Applications
& Solar Water Pumping
Education • Industry Support • Since 1975
Windy Dankoff's career combines his technical talents with his passion for environmental preservation. In 1977, he began a wind-electric and photovoltaic business in New Mexico, to electrify homes beyond the power lines. He has worked solely in the private sector, where systems had to be cost-effective. In 1983, he became one of the first manufacturers of solar powered water-well pumps. In the 90’s, Dankoff Solar Products became a worldwide wholesale distributor. He sold the company in 2005 to pursue writing and consulting.
Windy has had over 40 magazine articles and book contributions published, covering photovoltaic applications, energy management, and solar water pumping. He has taught at schools, and advises other pioneering business owners and educators. Founder, retired, Dankoff Solar Products, Inc. SPIN-OFFS: Positive Energy Solar <> Conergy USA <> Focused Energy <> Sindelar Solar and Dankoff Solar Pumps division of Solar Power & Pump Co / SunRotor Co-author, book IN PROGRESS: The Solar Water Pumping Handbook with Robert Foster, Alma Cota, Eric Lespin ~ for publication in 2026 by CRC Press ~ Member: American Solar Energy Society, New Mexico Solar Energy Association
Solar pumping has grown beyond my wildest dreams ...
The end of the rainbow: Pivot irrigation in Sudan, solar pumped and remotely connected
Photo: AE Photonics, Morocco and Bernt Lorentz GmbH
Photo: AE Photonics, Morocco and Bernt Lorentz GmbH